Radiance Revival

Sparking Women’s Innate Glow, Inspiration, Power, & Wisdom

Journey of 4 Seasons to Bloom your Radiance

Enrich Your Life with Dance, Yoga, Shakti Practices, Ritual, Self-Care, Community

only 16 spots available to create this sacred space

This Revival is because the wellness of our world needs women to live from our wisdom, power, and Radiance. When you join this world wide Revival, you and everyone around you benefits.

Among the diversity of practices and trainings in this program, you are encouraged to immerse yourself in dance, yoga, and sacred movement as a resource to develop your most wise and empowered aspects and expression of Self, that often dwell in unreachable places… that movement can set free.

Is this divine timing?  A doorway you have been awaiting?  A response to your prayers?

One of the greatest remedies to the state of our world is women claiming and embodying the wise use of their wisdom, beauty, body, and power. This requires a healthy lifestyle, disciplined practices, reliable community, trustworthy guides, and long standing lineages of women’s wisdom traditions. 

If this sounds like what you desire for your next cycle of life, open yourself to receive what flows down this page… then use your wise women’s intuition to feel if this is for you. Reach out with any questions or concerns, ooxx Tenley

Your Radiance Revival Begins Here

To express your body with authenticity and freedom of movement – whether that’s in dance or throughout your life – is a culmination of what you will receive, experience, and develop in this journey designed to call forth your innate, unlimited Radiance as your state of being, in all areas of your life.

Our Journey Follows 3 Phases:

Move Your Story​

Your Luscious Lifestyle

Meet your All Star Allies

*** persian pose

Move Your Story​​

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” Martha Graham, dance pioneer & legend

Develop your personal language of movement and sacred soulful expression. Gain your embodied freedom to share your story yearning to be told… in a way no words can say.

Dance who you have been, who you are, who you were born to be… Dance your limitless YOU!

Be ready to move your body & stimulate your Shakti in various dance formats, including various branches of yoga, sacred dance, belly dance, and nearly forgotten secrets & practices of the Yogini Temple Dancers.

Be guided through movement sequences to unravel, bust boundaries, cultivate grace and strength, while dancing to your birthright and reunion with your innate divinity.


Movement for technique or freeform, choreography or improv, beginning dancers to professionals, and everyone in between.

Enjoy a diverse selection of dances from Tenley’s format: Tribal Belly Dance, Indian Classical & Temple Dance, Persian & Central Asian, Functional Fitness, & more!

Shakti Yoga™ – Tenley’s signature style, designed to optimize your feminine body, energy, & spirit! Not a typical yoga class, this will reset your mind & emotions + give a vitality boost*

Invoke Your Radiance with Belly Dance – Origins & Practices:
~ Healing Power to free your pelvis, creative essence, reproductive organs
~ Pre & Post Partum Wellness & Sovereignty + Birth Bearing stories & rituals

Meet the Yogini Temple Dancers – Mysteries, Practices, Herstory: Meet nearly forgotten secrets, practices, and stories of these Sacred Feminine Traditions which understood the life-giving necessity & value of Dance… Dance as a Path to Liberation, Dance as a Self-Love Practice, Dance as Devotion & Prayer, Dance as a vehicle to awaken our Unlimited True Nature. Welcome into your deepest essence & power, Sister ooxx

Movement Pleasure & Practices to Embody Your Confidence, Wisdom & Power:
~ Unlock blocks to your personal movement language
~ Open physical & energetic pathways to free your creative expression
~ Transform any movement into Sacred Devotion
~ Full Moon Community Dance Rituals
Costume Artistry & Embodiment ~ Invite your Inner Archetype to Shine:
Sacred Adornment & Ritual Garmentry has been an integral part of life and society as long as humans have dressed. Modern society forgot this devotional process. Invite and allow your desired embodied expression to the surface with these:
~Stir your Inspiration with Ancient Costume Designs, Textiles, Traditions, Symbology
~Ancient Shakti Technology: Learn to cultivate your feminine energy/power/vitality with traditional beauty & devotion practices in Jewelry, Adornments, Makeup, Anointing

~Art of Adornment: Embody the Divine + Reveal your Inner Archetype with this personalized self-love ritual & creative exploration


Move Your Story: In our final season, you claim & create what you love most in dance & sacred movement. In our safe & sacred container, share your personal dance language through any forms you enjoyed over our journey together. 

Ritual Dance Theater Choreography – Do you desire to perform & share what you cultivated over our 9 months together? Choose any or all of the following:

– Dance in our private, sacred group container
~ Join the dance company & bring your dance into the world
~ Personalize this choreography to express your interests & Story

Your Luscious Lifestyle

Give yourself the freedom and satisfaction to live and love your definition of “Luscious.”  Create a personalized, reliable foundation for your life with nourishing practices, simple daily rituals, vitalizing disciplines, soulful devotion.

Here’s our Luscious Path to get you there…

Embodied Feminine Wisdom > Cultivate your Dedication, Discipline, Devotion

We invoke Ancient Shakti Temples and related Wisdoms that have traversed time and place to guide, inspire, and remind us who we truly are, beyond our mundane world and daily demands.

~ Yogini Secrets & Empowerment Practices, ancient & new
~ Breathwork – Pranayama
~ Shakti Energy Management
~ Meditations, Mind Wrangling, Visualizations
~ Inner Landscape Gardening, aka: Transformational Work

Your Rhythm to Thrive! In this supportive container, you receive the encouragement to cultivate your desire & discipline to commit to what nourishes & acknowledge what does not…
~ Inspired Healthy Habits: from morning to night
~ Empowered Nutrition: Foods, Herbs, Happy Hormones
~ Daily Rituals: from subtle to substantial
~ Bridge your Sacred Inner World with the Mundane Outer World

Explore, Know, Live your Truth, Essence, Pleasure, Power ~ Together we link arms in these timely processes so you can compassionately let go of the past, to courageously embody who you truly are now. This work calls for Power in Numbers! We do this together, Sister… for ourselves, for our mothers & their mothers, for our children.

In this strong container with clear steps to follow, remember & reclaim your authentic YOU:
~ Bust outdated programs – family, society, media, status quo
~ Recognize & Honor the needs of your body, emotions, spirit
~ Unleashed & Unlimited: your body, heart, energy fully vitalized

Together, we create this Radiance Revival

allies CROP

Your All Star Allies

Ally with women who understand the value of your vision and offerings… who will take the time to give you honest, present, sound support.

Along with all you receive above, you also get this exceptional circle of women, who will mirror your glow, beauty, power… and open to receive your creativity and wisdom.

Over time, we learn to lean into each other, as we explore and expand ourselves in the fine company of women like you, dedicated to their expansion and Radiance. 

We are an intimate sized group, full of wise women with diverse backgrounds and contributions to share. After our first few months, you will be connected in small groups based on shared interests and goals. You are encouraged to meet when your schedules allow to create this highly valuable ally-ship.

With this circle of women, you can bring “IT” all out! 

What are you longing or desire to set free, express, unveil?

What project are you developing that would benefit from having test clients or audience?

What are you building and ready to take next level?

Would you be stoked & supported to team up with a crew of like mind & heart colleagues to gain feedback, constructive critique, sage advice?

Be held in this sacred safe exploratory container to…
~ Merge your passions, desires, skills, trainings into your unique signature offer
~ Shine light on discursive blocks that have been holding you back
~ Honor, develop, fuel your strengths to leverage your goals
~ Dive deep, discover, own your soul intention for this body & life

Share concepts like these with your Allies
~ Bust out & into the next level of your profession
~ Unveil that spoken-word, or art series, or one-woman show
~ Are you a hidden speaker, ritualist, leader, oracle… & need a safe place to try it on?


only 16 spots available to create this sacred space

Radiance Revival Edits-9 SEPIA

Welcome! I'm Tenley

I created this for the woman who is ready to apply her Devotion & Discipline to Create & Live the Beauty she desires to be in the world.

Persian dance turn CROP

For the past 25 years, I have been  developing a multi-modality system for empowering women via dance, yoga, meditation, ritual, devotional practices, and beyond. I guide women in gorgeous soulful group experiences, as well as intimate private 1:1 Lifestyle Mentoring.

I am a catalyst and Midwife for Women’s Transformation. 

I created Radiance Revival as a Path for you to Remember Who You Truly Are.

In this time, in this world when there is continual over-stimulous of distractions to separate us from ourselves and each other, this Journey, this Revival of Feminine Radiance is a remedy to support you to step out into the world….


We may not be able to change the world, but we definitely can cultivate our discipline and beingness to change how we live in it.

…to fulfill our lives on a very deep level,

and to benefit those around us – even if we simply rest in silent presence.

That is the invitation here, sister.

I’m here to support you find your way into this timely opportunity. Reach out with any questions or concerns. ooxx Tenley

Surround yourself by this circle of soulful women committed to their Radiance.


Guest Presenters

These women are tremendous inspirations to me, personally & professionally. I'm honored & delighted for you to meet them & receive their essential feminine wisdom.

Enjoy Presentations from these experts in their field. Each giving 2, 1 hour group classes + Q&A (on zoom & recorded)

What you Receive & Experience


We meet over the course of 4 seasons - 9 months together live + additional 3 months for integration & assimilation.

This 9 Moon feminine gestation process will journey you through the essentials to unlock and access your freedom of expression, beingness, confidence, grace, power.​

Enjoy live and recorded teachings, rituals, and practices. Zoom + some in person options. Everything is recorded, so you don’t miss a thing. Recordings and program details are organized in a membership platform for you to easily access 24/7. 

Pace is Grace – Choose how you wish to embark on this journey:
~ Follow the scheduled group teachings & timing
~ Enjoy recordings to create your own pace & match your schedule
~ Combine group flow & self paced, as you are inspired & available

When you register, within a few days you receive:
~ 24/7 access to Temple Tribal Fusion® Membership: stocked with class videos in dance, yoga, meditation, ritual, empowerment practices
~ Book with me your private 1:1 Welcome Call 
~ VIP Enrollment to in person classes, events, & retreats
~ Welcome Guide to prepare you for our 4 Seasons together! Includes: journaling prompts, sacred space invocation, soulful morning practice videos

Season 1 starts late Spring – date TBD

During our 3 active Seasons together, you receive:
~ Seasonal 1:1 private session with me
~ Weekly Lives with me + guest presenters (zoom + in person options)
~ Weekly Meditation or Empowerment Practices
~ Full Moon Dance Ritual – Live
~ Membership 24/7 access to program content + additional classes: dance, yoga, empower
~ VIP Enrollment to in person events & retreats

4th Season – Free!
~ Integrate & Assimilate  
~ Enjoy continued access to all content, recordings, & membership
~ Optional 1:1 sessions with me
~ Special invites to optional events & retreats

Time Commitment: I know you’re wondering how much time per week to plan for. It’s up to you. As the saying goes, “You get what you put in.” This journey is designed with respect to your full and demanding life. This is NOT meant to add more weight to your schedule, rather to give you more space – grace – connection with what you love, what makes you feel amazing, and how to better structure the flow of your life to weave in the essentials for vitality and wellness of your entire being.


Your place warmly awaits you in this Radiance Revival.

Listen to your Inner Wisdom. If you feel you are 1 of the 16 women co-creating this circle, reach out soon.

We begin our Journey later this Spring.